SEC Order Against Stanford
April 25, 2013
By U.S. District Judge David C. Godbey
Securities and Exchange Commission, Plaintiff, vs. Stanford International Bank LTD., et al. Defendants. Civil
Action No. 3:09-CV-0298-N
This Order addresses Plaintiff Security and Exchange Commission's ("SEC") motion for partial summary judgment
[1779]. The Court grants the motion. The Court also denies Defendant R. Allen Stanford's motion for extension
of time [1807].
The Court grants the SEC's motion for summary judgment. The Court enjoins Stanford from violating the Exchange
Act § 10(b), Rule 10b-5, the Securities Act § 17(a), and the Advisers Act § 206(1) and (2), enjoins Davis
violating the Exchange Act § 10(b), Rule 10b-5, the Securities Act § 17(a), and enjoins SGC and SIB from
violating the Exchange Act § 10(b), Rule 10b-5, the Securities Act § 17(a), the Advisers Act § 206(1) and (2),
and the Investment Company Act § 7(d). The Court finds Stanford, Davis, SGC, and SIB jointly and severally
liable to disgorge the $5.9 billion fraudulently acquired by Stanford's scheme. The Court adds $861,189,969.06
of prejudgment interest to this total, for a total disgorgement liability of $6,761,189,969.06. Finally, the
Court imposes a civil penalty of $5.9 billion on Stanford and $5 million on Davis.
Read the complete Order of U.S. District Judge David C. Godbey.

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