Grant Thornton Letter to Senators Vitter, Shelby, Cochran, and Wicker
December 15, 2011
By Marcus A. Wide
Dear Sirs,
Re: Senate Resolution 346
Re: Stanford International Bank Limited in Liquidation
I am writing in response to your recent introduction of Senate Resolution 346 which takes exception to certain
alleged actions by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda (GoAB) related to the fraud perpetrated by Robert Allen
Stanford and by implication the process for the liquidation of Stanford International Bank Limited (SIBL). I
believe it is important to correct and/or clarify a number of assertions contained in the resolution as they
relate to the activities of the Joint Liquidators of SIBL.
By way of background, Hugh Dickson and I, from the international firm of Grant Thornton, were appointed Joint
Liquidators of Stanford International Bank Limited (SIBL) by the High Court of Antigua (Court), part of the Eastern
Caribbean Court Circuit based in St Lucia. The final court of appeal from the High Court of Antigua is to the Law
Lords of the British Privy Counsil. Mr. Dickson and I are experienced Liquidators with collectively sixty years of
work in the field. Our appointment resulted from an application to Court by a group of victims not the GoAB or its
We note that S Res 346 seems not to draw a distinction between the Court ordered liquidation (bankruptcy) of SIBL in
Antigua, and the GoAB itself. As Court officers we are independent of the GoAB, do not report to the GoAB, do not
take direction from the GoAB, and, if necessary, we will be adverse to the GoAB and many of its agencies.
We are guided by an uncompensated Creditors Committee composed of victims who are not allowed to profit from the
Liquidation. We have held two web-based creditor meetings. As far as we know, we are the first to engage the
creditors/victims directly to ask what they want...
Read the complete Letter here.
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