Order re. Chapter 15 / COMI
July 30, 2012
By U.S. District Judge David C. Godbey
The Court grants the Joint Liquidators' motion for substitution as Plaintiff nunc pro
tunc to June 8, 2010 and grants in part and denies in part their request that the Court take
judicial notice. The Court overrules the parties' objections to each others' evidence. Finally,
because the Stanford Entities' COMI is in the United States and they have an establishment
in Antigua, the Court grants the Antiguan Proceeding foreign nonmain recognition, granting
in part and denying in part the Joint Liquidators' petition for recognition. The Court grants
the Joint Liquidators limited, conditional relief under Chapter 15.
In accordance with this Order, the Court orders the Clerk of the Court to terminate
Peter Wastell and Nigel Hamilton-Smith as Plaintiffs and add Marcus Wide and Hugh
Dickson as Plaintiffs.

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