WikiLeaks reveals US worries over Allen Stanford
December 21, 2010
WikiLeaks Cables: U.S. Suspected Allen Stanford Long Before ECB Deal
US diplomats were worried about Allen Stanford's business dealings three years before his financial empire
collapsed, according to WikiLeaks...
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Allen Stanford: Brokers face charges
December 14, 2010
By Alex Hawkes
US authorities have told several brokers that they intend to file civil charges against them over the alleged $8bn Ponzi scheme at Allen Stanford's banking group... Read more!

SEC Eyed for Negligence in Enforcement Cases
November 29, 2010
By Rachelle Younglai
A federal watchdog is investigating whether a senior Securities and Exchange Commission official bungled an examination associated with a "major" investment adviser enforcement case in 2009... Read more!

SEC Did Nothing to Stop Stanford Ponzi Scheme for Years
November 10, 2010
By Jack Kelly
Newly released documents detail 12 years of fits and starts at the Securities and Exchange Commission as financier Allen Stanford was allegedly running a global Ponzi scheme... Read more!

Allen Stanford beaten up by jail inmates
November 8, 2010
By Daily Mail Reporter
Bloodied and shackled: Controversial cricket tycoon Allen Stanford beaten up by jail inmates as he awaits trial... Read more!

Antigua prepares to fight Stanford investors
October 18, 2010
By Caribbean360
The Antigua and Barbuda government says it's building a defence against a lawsuit brought by the Stanford Victims which is seeking to recover financial losses as a result of the fall of Allen Stanford's empire... Read more!

Did SEC Hide Botched Stanford Probe? I.G. Says Timing Is "Suspicious"
September 28, 2010
By Phil Trupp
In the style of "Mad" magazine, it's the season of con vs. con at the Securities and Exchange Commission -- only no one's laughing... Read more!

Federal authorities are considering whether to prosecute a regulator in Fort Worth who quashed investigations
September 22, 2010
Federal authorities are considering whether to prosecute a former securities regulator in Fort Worth who repeatedly quashed investigations of R. Allen Stanford's offshore banking empire... Read more!

Senators probe inaction against Stanford
September 22, 2010
By MENGFEI CHEN Copyright 2010 Houston Chronicle
Angry senators grilled top officials of the Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday, citing the agency's delays in taking action against accused swindler R. Allen Stanford despite repeated red flags about his financial firm's operations... Read more!

Undisclosed Stanford Loans Prove Fraud, Examiner Says
August 27, 2010
By Laurel Brubaker Calkins and Andrew M. Harris
Stanford International Bank Ltd.'s $1.7 billion in undisclosed loans to indicted financier R. Allen Stanford are proof the bank was involved in fraud, a examiner testified in a U.S. court trial in Houston... Read more!

The CIA, Banking Scams, and R. Allen Stanford
August 5, 2010
By Tom Burghardt
Last year, when a federal court in Texas handed down indictments charging Stanford International Bank (SIB) and its officers with "orchestrating a fraudulent, multibillion dollar investment scheme," I wondered: was there more to the story?... Read more!

Stanford fraud - Summary Chart
July 30, 2010
Source: Vantis Business Recovery Services
Geographic Location of the 27,977 victims and the amount of their investments... Read more!

Bush's ambassador to eastern Caribbean protected Stanford operations
July 30, 2010
Antigua became the favorite playground for CIA money laundering during Bush administrations... Read more!

Stanford International Bank became a new BCCI
July 25, 2010
Activities of Stanford Financial Group and Stanford International Bank mirror those of BCCI... Read more!

Allen Stanford's Girlfriend Stoelker Sued by Receiver for Wages, Payments
June 30, 2010
By Laurel Brubaker Calkins
Stanford's girlfriend, Andrea M. Stoelker, was sued by the indicted financier's court- appointed receiver for $560,000 that she received in wages and other payments from the Stanford Financial Group of companies... Read more!

The US government can be sued on account of the fantastic negligence of the SEC
June 16, 2010
Information, as expected, has been coming out, even if slowly. Inparticular, excellent sources of information and ideas seem to include the SEC Inspector General's two Reports on the Madoff case... Read more!

SEC Report: Employees Browsed Porn, Ran Private Businesses
May 1, 2010
by Jake Bernstein | ProPublica
The Securities and Exchange Commission is taking a drubbing these days for its abject failure - despite detailed tips - to catch Bernie Madoff in what appears to be the biggest Ponzi scheme in our nation's history... Read more!

Antiguan Charged in Stanford Case Ordered to U.S.
April 27, 2010
By Miami Herald
Antigua's former top banking regulator, Leroy King, was ordered extradited to the U.S. to face charges he helped financier R. Allen Stanford conceal a $7 billion fraud scheme, Antigua's top prosecutor said... Read more!

SEC aware of Stanford Ponzi scheme since 1997
April 19, 2010
By Leslie Turk
The Robert Allen Stanford alleged Ponzi scheme and its impact on middle class investors still isn't getting the media attention it deserves. Last week, a blistering report on the incompetence of the Securities and Exchange Commission was buried by the Goldman Sachs fraud charges; both were released Friday... Read more!

SEC Enforcement Lawyer Who Quashed Stanford Probes Later Did Legal Work For Stanford
April 19, 2010
The new inspector general report on the SEC's handling of the Allen Stanford alleged Ponzi scheme case paints a devastating picture of the agency's repeated failures to pursue the billionaire banker, despite a widespread belief within the SEC's Fort Worth office that he was a fraud... Read more!

SEC's corruption allowed Stanford's fraud
April 16, 2010
By Scott Cohn. Senior Correspondent, CNBC
Finally some conclusions about how corrupted was the SEC allowing the Stanford's fraud... Read more!

Ben Barnes Sued for $5 million by Stanford Receiver
March 25, 2010
By Stanford Receiver
Democratic lobbyist and former Texas Lieutenant Gov. Ben Barnes has been slapped with a $5 million lawsuit over lobbying and consulting services he provided to R. Allen Stanford, the indicted financier accused of running a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme... Read more!

Judge mulls bankruptcy for Stanford fraud case
March 20, 2010
By The Advocate
A Dallas federal judge is considering whether to continue a receivership searching for $7.2 billion in investments alleged to have been stolen by jailed promoter Robert Allen Stanford, of Houston... Read more!

Allen Stanford's Investors Want Alleged Swindler's Political Donations Returned
February 26, 2010
Democratic and Republican lawyers are scrambling this week to figure out how to contend with an unusual lawsuit filed by the Texas official tasked with recovering money spent by Allen Stanford, the alleged mastermind of an $8 billion Ponzi scheme... Read more!

Stanford Receiver Sues Political Committees
February 23, 2010
By Stanford Receiver
The suit says the committees "have no legitimate right" to keep the contributions, which Janvey says belong to Stanford's investors... Read more!

Suit filed to force lawmakers to return Stanford contributions
February 22, 2010
Thousands of families lost their life savings when, investigators say, they uncovered a massive fraud centered around billionaire Allen Stanford... Read more!

TD Bank Loses Bid to End Stanford Investments Lawsuit
January 22, 2010
By Joe Schneider
Toronto-Dominion Bank Canada's second-biggest bank by assets, must face a lawsuit accusing it of negligence for accepting deposits for the Antigua-based bank run by alleged Ponzi scheme operator R. Allen Stanford... Read more!

Stanford's Lawyer Played Key Role In Shielding Banker From Scrutiny
January 5, 2010
By Zachary Roth
As Stanford's lawyer of choice, Carlos Loumiet helped set up the unusual regulatory arrangement that allowed the Stanford Financial Group (SFG) to move hundreds of millions of dollars from Florida to Antigua with little scrutiny... Read more!

Feds probe links between lawmakers, Allen Stanford
January 3, 2010
Just hours after federal agents charged banker Allen Stanford with fleecing investors of $7 billion, the disgraced financier received a message from one of Congress' most powerful members, Pete Sessions... Read more!

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